Newsletter 02

I-MoToLe: Responses to challenges through discussions to promote adapted forms of education to adults at risk of social exclusion

The first training activity planned within the I-MoToLe Erasmus+ project took place in Skopje, capital of Republic of Macedonia, between the 24th and the 28th September 2018. All the partners presented methodologies, activities and approaches to adult education in an innovative way to stimulate intrinsic motivation and reduce drop-out rates, especially among adults at risk of social exclusion.

These are the result of every partners’ experience from the direct work with their different learning communities, with very positive impact, namely on ethnic minorities, young adults offenders, immigrants, inmates, among others.

Sharing this experience allowed each partner to better understand the role that each one plays within their communities spread around Europe and come together on a common goal to be more effective with the adult learners, in formal or non-formal pathways, thus preventing or reduce drop-out rates.
The various activities and group dynamics included using humour in learning
contexts, the powerful role of drama in social integration, the use of portfolios with an autobiographical approach to value competences and learnings, new pedagogical and approaches to teaching and learning styles, learning communities and active pedagogy, and innovative approaches to management and planning.

The outcomes of this training activity are the groundwork for a training package of resources to train adult educators, the Intellectual Product 2, according to what was planned in the project, soon to be released in the project’s website. In the meanwhile, each partner will organise workshops to promote some of the work done to their own teaching and training communities.

Check out the Facebook publication to know more about the event

Next phase of I-Motole is free training course for learners at risk of social
inclusion from all partner countries will be held in Beja, Portugal in March. The
aim is to share the results of the Validation Portfolio workshops held in each country.

The objectives for this course are to learn in both formal and non-formal adult
education and to know how to participate in this training course you can contact the organisation in your country.

The partners who take part in this project are ANI-International (France), Merseyside Expanding Horizons (United Kingdom), Agrupamento de Escolas número 2 de Beja (Portugal), Cepa Los Llanos Albacete (Spain), Inspira+ (Republic of Macedonia), Kulturskolan Stockholm – Stockholm School of the Arts (Sweden), CVO LBC –NVK Sint-Niklaas (Belgium).


The I-Motole team